40 Acts of Kindness for Kids
As adults, it is so easy to get caught up in our busy lives that we often forget about the simple things in life. As a mom of 4 young children, they remind me every day how small actions like a hug or smile can make such a powerful impact on our lives. It is one of the best feelings when I walk through the door and my 2-year old can't stop jumping up and down and squealing. Or when I pick up my older kids from school, and I need to be sure I'm ready (so I don't get knocked over!) when my kids are coming running out the door and throw themselves at me.
As a parent being on the receiving on of this great love, I want my kids to share this love and kindness beyond our house. I want them to see that their small acts of kindness can touch so many people beyond our family. It's through these simple actions that we can start showing children they have the ability to make a difference in other people's lives.
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end”
And I believe, as we start teaching children at a young age, that they can make a difference, we can shift our society to be kinder, more compassionate and more empathetic, one child at a time.
So let's start making a difference today and help our kids see that they can make an impact on other people lives. Download our printable list and hang it on your fridge along with our kindness tracker.
- Hug a family member
- Call your grandparents
- Give your sibling a compliment
- Give your parent a thank you note
- Make a cup of tea or hot chocolate for a family member
- Snuggle with the family pet
- Bring flowers to a friend
- Give a friend a note of encouragement or thanks
- Give your neighbor some flowers
- Make a special dinner for the family
- Mail your cousins a letter
- Tell your mom and dad you love them
- List out things you like about a family member or friend
- Do a chore for a sibling
- Make a toy for a neighbor's pet
- Say I love you to someone in your family
- Help pick up litter in the park
- Give a compliment to a local store owner
- Donate books to a Free Library
- Thank your teacher with a gift or note
- Shovel your neighbor's sidewalk or rake their leaves
- Help a child or senior walk across the street
- Fill someone's parking meter
- Smile at 5 strangers
- Pay for someone's order behind you
- Leave Kindness Rocks around town
- Hold the door for someone
- Hang up some Kindness Flyers
- Make a blessing bag to give to the homeless
- Read to dogs at the local animal shelter
- Bake cookies for local law enforcement
- Leave a kindness note for the mailman
- Make cards and deliver them to a local senior center
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter
- Write a thank you letter to servicemen and women overseas
- Make blankets for Project Linus
- Run a lemonade stand for charity
- Knit preemie hats for a children's hospital
- Make cards and send them to a hospital in another state
- Make a micro-loan through Kiva