2,018 Random Acts of Kindness Challenge!
Even though the holiday season is over, that doesn't mean the 'season of giving' needs to end! Let's use this time as the platform to launch a "YEAR OF RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS." When our kids were old enough to understand the meaning of Christmas, we have encouraged them that it is not about the gifts they receive, but the joy they feel when giving to others.
My kids truly enjoy picking out meaningful presents for friends and family. I still remember one of my favorite gifts was a map they made for their piano teacher that showed where all her students came from -- and it was quite impressive!
For the past few years, we also try to incorporate helping others into our holiday traditions. I've learned that if our kids can regularly do acts of kindness, starting at a young age, this becomes part of who they are. I already see it in my 7-year-old daughter. After having participated in several of my Giving Artfully Kids classes and being a "tester" for my crafting for good projects, she is always looking for ways to help others. It warms my heart to see her compassion and empathy for others.
To continue the spirit of giving, I wanted to challenge you to help us achieve 2,018 Random Acts of Kindness this year. The challenge is simple - let's spread kindness to our communities and see the difference and impact we are making in other people's lives.
“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it
To help out with this challenge, I created our Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Cards. It can be as simple as giving a RAK Card to someone and encourage them to pass it on to someone else. You can also attach the card to a gift you give to someone. For example, if you write a thank you card to your local fire department, leave one our cards so they can continue spreading the kindness!
My goal is to see how quickly the Giving Artfully Kids community can complete 2,018 Random Acts of Kindness. After you download the RAK Card, fill out our RAK Tracker so we can keep track of the number of RAKs. Bonus points if you let us know what you did!
Click on the picture or this LINK to fill out our RAK form.
To help you with ideas, we also created a Random of Acts of Kindness Guide for some simple ways you can help spread the kindness.
Join us today and help us reach 2,018 Random Acts of Kindness. Just click on the button below to download our Random Acts of Kindness Cards and Guide!