Teaching Children about Kindness & Giving through Crafting-Based Service Learning Projects
The Giving Artfully Kids program provides a comprehensive service learning curriculum for teachers, after school programs, and camps. Our project based curriculum teaches children about kindness, compassion, and empathy through crafting. When you become a member of Giving Artfully Kids, you can jump start a child's journey to making an impact in the world.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted
~ Aesop
Help us Build Generation Kindness by providing you with the resources and tools to show your children they have the power and talents to help others. Learn more about our Basic Level Membership site .
Learn more our Membership Site →
Learn more about our classes and camps in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.
Become a Giving Artfully Kids member and start your own program with our comprehensive curriculum that allows you to focus on teaching instead of identifying, researching, and planning projects and beneficiaries. You have the opportunity to earn extra income while teaching children about philanthropy.
ADMINISTRATORS & Parent Teacher OrganIzATions
Bring a Giving Artfully Kids program to your school as part of the school day curriculum, after school program or one day workshop. Join the Giving Artfully Kids Membership for the resources to bring our program to your school.
How to Build a Generation of Kindness - join us as we provide research about the importance of kindness and ways to teach kindness and giving to the next generation.